Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back Home!:)

 We flew into JWA Wednesday afternoon-tired and ready to see the family again! Praise the Lord for a good trip and safe flight!:)
We were all ready to join little Evie here....;)
 Thursday we got a surprise visit from Aunt Adriana, Grandma and Sophia!:)
 Playing with Aunt Adriana...;)
 Something I missed while gone in Alaska this summer was the ability to make meals in a familiar kitchen.....
 And use that time to talk with siblings!;)
 Mom making plans.....
 Trampoline fun-I've been on it three times now since we got home!
 Timmy and Caytlin teaching me how to play a new game the family bought while we were gone.....
 Some dutch blitz......
 Dinner out on the patio! How we missed everyone this summer!
 Little guys....
 "Brown eyes..."
 We got another surprise visit from more cousins!!:)
 Uncle Victor and his kiddos came over Saturday afternoon.....:)
 Joe and Tim-these boys have grown a lot.:)
 Sunday evening, we celebrated Caytlin's 15th birthday, a few days early. We are leaving for Washington and will be on the road for the next several days. Since we will be gone on the actual day of her birthday, we wanted to be able to celebrate it before we left! ;)
 Uncle Paul showed up for the evening too!:) The boys enjoyed teaching him their new game.....
 Our bunnies-the family picked them up at a garage sale a few weeks back. We are enjoying them very much and Ryan, Daniel and I finally met them this past week!:)
 A sight to cute to miss!;)
 Caytlin's birthday dinner-we watched a movie so dinner was in the living room. Not to mention it's not quite as crowded...;)
 Happy 15th Birthday, Caytlin!!-a few days early!
 Sandwhich duty for the road trip.....
Laying down the kiddos for one last nap at home!

Well, I need to run! We'll be getting up and leaving for WA here in a few hours to drive up for a dear friend's wedding!! We've barely been home for a few days and we are off again however, this time it's everyone but Daddy. We are all excited for this opportunity and are eager to get going!:) It's good to be in the Lord's hands here at home and wherever He takes us! Praise the Lord for the experiences He gives and that He is faithful to His children!:)

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,  just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,  having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,  to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved."
                                                                                                                     Ephesians 1:3-6

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