Monday, March 08, 2010

February Fun

Morning trips to walk the beach:
As I previously posted, our family has been going to the beach on multiple occasions to walk along the shoreline for exercise and fresh air. This has been a delightful way to start the morning and we have all enjoyed the beauty of our Lord's marvelous creation.

Mama only asks one thing of us, before we hurry to explore, play in the sand or in my case, photograph the beach: we must all walk/run to the end of the beach and back before separate persons set off to hunt for special items, sight animals or engage in other fun activities. The walk/run does us all good and we are soon busy with our own personal activities.
Ryan and Timothy enjoying the view

beach scenery
Mama looks on as the children play
Excited explorers
Isaiah, Daniel and Natey, climb the rocks.
"Hi, Ashley!"

Joshua, braving the climb.

Civil War Re-enactment:

The Saturday before Valentines, Daddy's friend from work was scheduled to play at a Civil War Re-enactment Camp. Although they did not actually re-enact the war itself, we still enjoyed looking around and visiting the different tents. We especially enjoyed listening to Mark (Daddy's co-worker) and his bluegrass group play! They were very good and it was hard to keep my feet from tapping now and then!:)

A typical family tent
Mama and Katie talking with some of the ladies about how dishes were washed during the war.
A seamstress mans an old version of a Singer sewing machine.
Union Soldiers stop for a rest.

One thing that the boys all enjoyed was getting Confederate and Union solider hats. We got three from each side so that they could try their own re-enactments at home.
group shot

Valentines Sing:

Sunday was Valentines Day, and that being the case, our church had a sing instead of a banquet this year. The McIntire family provided us with a bluegrass group, which was greatly enjoyed! We sang several songs with "special music" in between from a string quartet, flute duet and piano solos. It was a very special time of singing and praising the Lord!
Cristin (violin), Sarah (mandolin), Johnathan (bass) and Amy (guitar).

Johnathan Stevens leading the singing.
String quartet: Cristin (cello), Emily (viola), Rachel and Janice (violin).
Johnny, playing one of his solos.
Sarah and Kendra's flute duet!

After the sing we enjoyed some refreshments.

Desert table:)
pizza line....

visiting and fellow-shipping

Ricky, Justin, Paul, and Jimmy were kind enough to pause their meal long enough for me to snap this!:)

Uncle Kenny
Mr, Pau and Josiah! "Thanks for that smile, Little Guy!"
"Thank you for the pizza, Mr. Ouatu!"
Ryan likes to eat his pizza one slice on top of the other like a pie!
Joshy Ouatu, enjoying his dinner!
Rachel, Amy, Sarah, Emily, Janice and Lois pose for a cute picture!

Trampoline Fun:

Obviously, my new camera has been getting plenty of use!:) (I am really enjoying it!) These next set of pictures is just another glimpse into our everyday life, which the trampoline is part of.

Katie and Timmy
Nathanael is practicing to be a cowboy!:)
"Enjoying the trampoline, Little Guy?"
By request: Isaiah does a back-flip:)

Monthly Men's Breakfast:

Once a month our church usually has a Men's Breakfast, which is a real encouragement for our men. Ken Williams, or as we affectionately call him "Uncle Kenny" prepares the lesson as well as most of the breakfast. He does an excellent job! The breakfast usually starts at 7:00 AM.

Our lovely church building in the morning.
tables set and ready...
Daniel's playful side comes out in the morning:)
the men eating
Daddy and Mr. Pau
Pastor Steve and Mr. Williams enjoying the breakfast.

After the breakfast was over, the Pau family invited several of us to the park to play football, or in my case to watch them play.
setting up
Isaiah, getting ready to play.

Team One: Sarah , Justin, Jason and Mr. Pau and Justin Orman.

Team Two: Isaiah Sebo, Johnathan, Kyle, Andrew and Paul Stevens

the game

Mr, Pau's interception:)

Hot Dog Roast and Visit:

Our first hot dog roast was a success! We enjoyed eating dinner outside as a family and keeping warm by the fire. Uncle Paul stopped in for a visit that night which was another highlight!

The patio and fire pit.

Danny, roasting away!

Josh-wee, munching on his hot dog;)
After a long day at work, a hot dog roast is a special and relaxing treat.

"Smile, everyone!" (Meanwhile, Timmy devours a marshmallow.)
Uncle Paul and Danny:)

Random Fun At Home:

This particular evening, Mama and I were folding laundry when the kids all rushed in and asked me to grab my camera and snap some photos of.....
....President Sebo!:)

Danny recently got a "George Bush" puppet and was delighted to find that the puppet and Timmy wore about the same size.
Just a few of the ways we've spent our days! I will try to be more consistent in my posts so they won't be quite so long!
...Nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
1 Timothy 6:17

1 comment:

Emily said...

Fun, fun post, Ash!! I really liked the reenactment (sp?) pictures--very lovely!

Love you!! See you Wednesday. :) I'm praying for you... :)