Monday, March 08, 2010

Enjoying the Beach

Mama has been wanting to get out more, recently, so she has been taking us to walk the beach early in the morning, pajamas and all! We have all enjoyed this, as no one is really there, except for a few joggers/walkers!:) It is so nice to get out and get fresh air and good exercise. Sometimes we'll run and other times we'll just walk. I especially enjoy it as it provides an opportunity to talk with Mama about important things, like what the Lord is doing in my life and how He is working, how I should respond, where I need growth in my spiritual walk, and so forth. It helps to get some of the boys energy out and makes us all hungrier at the breakfast table!:) Joshua and Timothy would gladly run off by themselves but, Mama, Katie and I take turns holding and walking with them. Isaiah, Daniel and Ryan have the fun job of "taking the dog" in turns.
Ryan and Mama are starting the long walk down the shoreline. (This particular set of pictures was taken last Saturday morning. Btw, as for Ryan's shirt.....we are not advertising for the dentist, Ryan tolerates the dentist, and Mama really doesn't like that shirt!)
The sky and ocean were very gray, and just as we got home it began to rain hard! Praise the Lord we made it through the walk without getting rained on!:)
Running along the beach...

Joshua going for a ride...
This picture requires an explanation. While Mama and I were walking and talking, we came upon this little flower someone had buried in the sand. It reminded us of the little flower named "Bearing the Cost" in the book Hind's Feet On High Places.
Heading for the water. (The boys aren't usually allowed to swim on these walks, but Mama let them this time.)
The boys playing in the water. Joshua is standing with the towel wrapped around him, which he is sure will keep him warm in the water:)
A neat picture by Ryan
Those of us who were not brave enough to swim watched from the shore...
rolling up his pants

Katie, "hanging out" on the lifeguard tower. (We actually made a short film with some friends and used that tower on another beach day.)


Mama and I
(Need I say it was a little windy?)

I am grateful to the Lord for giving Mama the creative idea of setting off to walk the beach. We have all enjoyed it, and it is pretty funny to see some of the hairstyles we wake up with!:) I hope we can do this more regularly!!:)

Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving, Sing praises on the harp to our God, Who covers the heavens with clouds,Who prepares rain for the earth, Who makes the grass to grow on the mountains.
Psalm 147:7-8


Emily said...

Oh, that looks like a lot of fun!! Breathtaking job on the pictures--they're so lovely! And it is a marvelous idea, too. :)

Love you!

All Us Winslows said...

YEA!!! A new post ;)
Sounds like that is a..... Um... fun/ unique way to start your morning ;) But I have to agree with you; wonderfully creative on you Mothers part :) It must be just beautiful being able to run along the shore, watching the sun rise!

Love you,

P.S The pictures are absolutely beautiful!!!!!

Sarah said...

What fun times you all must have together at the beach, Ashley! It certainly looks like it from the photos. :) I enjoyed seeing them all!