Friday, April 11, 2008

Timothy Donald Sebo

It was a regular Monday morning, as I(Ashley) dragged myself out of bed. I looked at my clock at almost jumped out of my pajamas! Eight o clock already! Boy, I need to get up earlier, I thought. I was quickly greeted by little Joshua who was ready to be dressed. He looked at me as if to say, "Where have you been? I've been up for almost an hour!" I knew alot needed to be done and I was kinda grouchy as I dressed him for that reason and also because my friends were all enjoying themselves in Georgia while I was watching kids and doing alot of hard work. ( Not to mention that they were probably all busy and working hard too.) I must admit I was also kinda upset because mom and dad were going to be gone all morning for a check-up at the doctors. I knew that mom expected the kids showered and the house cleaned before she got home. That was the way my week usually started.

Mom had assigned Katie and I the job of making Apple Crisp for breakfast so out came the apples, sugar flour and all. Since I'm bad at peeling with a knife it took longer to peel those apples than I expected. After a long wait, I told poor, little Caytlin to go and take her shower while I peeled the apples! She was happy to do something and so off she ran.

Dad had left the computer on and Daniel who was having a wonderful time designing pictures on the computer while Ryan showering and Isaiah still sleeping.Well, I thought, no trouble.

Next came Nathanael who was not easy to dress! He wanted to be a cowboy in his pajamas! I explained that he would not look like any of the 'cowboys" from the DHP film "In The Eagles Nest" in his pajamas, to which he let me dress him and went back to his play.

As I was working to try to get everyone ready for the day and the house cleaned up, a thought struck me, "Huh, wouldn't it be funny if mom had the baby today?" Of course I brushed that thought aside and returned to work.

Katie soon appeared all clean and dressed for the day and I gave her some apples to chop up. Happy and content, I left her to go take my own shower. Upon returning, Isaiah had woken up and was hungry. I briefly explained that It had taken me a while to peel the apples and that breakfast would be ready soon.

The morning past swiftly and I was grouchy when I called Dad and said "Dad, ___(to protect the not so innocent) is giving me trouble." Dad replied" Tell____ that they can't give you trouble because mom's coming home to get her bag and then we are off to the hospital!"

To be continued......

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