Saturday, April 19, 2008

Real Treasure

Everyday, at 10:00am I stop my daily work to put Nathanael and Joshua down for a nap. It usually takes awhile for Joshua to fall asleep and if I don't sit next to him he sneaks out of bed. So, it is at this certain time I find myself sitting next to his bed with a book, leaning over every once in a while to see if he's asleep yet. I've read two whole books since I was given this job....*smile*

Today was no different, as I settled down with a book I had started about two days ago; Reading I came across this story....

Real Treasure
We went to Open House tonight at the public elementary school. When Rachel's teacher met us, her eyebrows seemed to elevate slightly. She spoke kindly about our first grader but she said she had some concerns. She then invited us to look at the artwork; we would see what she meant.
Dozens of brown paper treasure chests were tacked to the bulletin board. Each had a barreled top attached with a brad. On the Front was printed, " A Real Treasure Would Be...." We walked over and began opening the lids to find Rachel's treasure and see why it so concerned the teacher.
As we peeked into each chest we saw TVs and Nintendos, a few genies ,heaps of gold, and a unicorn. Rachel's chest was in the very bottom corner. We had to stoop to open it. Inside, our daughter had drawn Christ, hanging on a cross with red drops of blood shaped like hearts dripping from his hands. She had completed the sentence, " A Real Treasure Would Be...Jesus"
" Do you see my concern?" the teacher asked, her arms folded across her chest.
"Yes," my husband agreed, I see what you mean. The J is backwards, isn't it?
~Robin Jones Gunn~
From: More Stories For The Heart
I love that! Hope you enjoyed it too!

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