Friday, January 09, 2009


Howdy everyone! Have been rejoicing in the Lord? I hope so! I'm afraid we often look at life through the gloomy spectacles and walk around with a frown or two on our faces, as Charles Spurgeon once said:

"Christian! Do not dishonour religion by always wearing a brow of care; come, cast your burden upon your Lord."

How true! We Christians, the ones who should ever be rejoicing are often seen with "brows of care" on our faces! But, why? If we, as Christians, say we believe that Jesus Christ came to the world to save us by shedding His very own precious blood to pay the price of our redemption and that if we will believe on Him and accept Him as our Saviour, He promises us an eternal home and life with Him when we die, then why, my friends, are we always "carrying a brow of care" on our faces???? Well? Let's see those smiles! *smile*

speaking of smiles.....look at this smile, too cute...

Y'all remember Sheriff Joshua? He's back....playing Cowboys and Indians...

The other day, I had a very special chance to watch my two little brothers, Timothy and Joshua play together! I had set Timothy in our little baby swing and was pushing him when, his big brother Joshua ran over and informed me he could do it, thank you. He pushed Timothy and it was so cute as the laughed together.

More exciting news and more smiles around the Sebo home! Ryan finally got his long awaited birthday present! A Velbon 7000 video tripod!

As always there's a story behind it....

Ryan announced one day that he would like to buy a Velbon 7000 video tripod but, having no money it seemed a little impossible! Well, he received birthday money which he saved and soon he was on the computer, ordering the "amazing tripod."

The computer had told Ryan he would receive it New Year's Day (or somewhere in that week)! he was excited and waited for it anxiously but, it didn't come. No truck or package ever came. It was a long time later* that a UPS truck finally showed up. However, it was parked across the street and the UPS man jumping out of the car held a small square package. (too small.) The UPS man soon disappeared behind one of the houses across the street. We had all seen the truck pull up and were in the front yard shouting and smiling but now it seemed silly and we all slowly started back for the house. (I had even grabbed my camera.) All of a sudden, I heard Daniel shout. I whirled around and saw the UPS man crossing the street with a long rectangular package! Ryan was beaming.....

Soon, Ryan had a little audience, as we were all seated around him,watching.

He opened it...... and this picture speaks for itself....

Although he's had it only two days, he been enjoying and loves it!

SWORD, has started up again from Christmas break. SWORD, for those who don't know is a discipleship program which takes place on Wednesday night, the young men and women of our church are discipling a child or two from ages 8-13, each in memorizing and achieving different goals. We also have a small team for toddlers ages 4-7 which is where I work. We have game time first, to get all the kids energy out. Then, we have a short lesson time with the child and their teacher, followed by a large assembly where a story or skit is put on which is paralleled to that week's verse. We also learn songs that are in parallel with the verses. Here are some pictures from a skit the other night.

Here is Stephen Weston, one of the leaders, narrating a skit about David and Saul.

David,(Brian Iorga, a leader) and one of his men (Jimmy Iorga, Brian's brother, a leader), sneaking up on Saul sleeping....

"No," David says, "We must not harm the Lord's annointed."

King Saul, (Justin Orman-a leader) and the king's men (Kyle and Andrew Stevens-leaders).

Have a great week and remember to rejoice!

Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.(KJV)

Philipians 4:4

And ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God, ye, and your sons, and your daughters, and your menservants, and your maidservants, and the Levite that is within your gates; forasmuch as he hath no part nor inheritance with you. (KJV)

Deuteronomy 12:12

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24


Sarah said...

Thank you for the reminder, Ashley, to rejoice! What you shared reminded me of a verse from Philippians which turned out to also be one of the verses that you have at the end of your post. :) Yes, we are to rejoice; and not only during the ‘good’ times, but also through difficulties and trials. We have so very much to rejoice and give thanks to the Lord for! Like you shared, especially the precious gift of the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation and eternal life that He gives to those who believe in His name.

What adorable photos of your little brothers!

Ryan looks quite excited about his new tripod! I am sure he has been making lots of use of it.

Thank you for sharing about SWORD and TIPPS! It must be so nice to be doing that again. I hope that it goes very well for you all this week!

A Joyful Heart said...

Hi! I found your blog through Sarah Pelc's. I like your blog header. :)
And the "Sheriff Joshua" picture is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I like those verses and pics! btw, it's 3 degrees farenhiet here today, with wind chill of -20!
thats cold even for nebraska!

Dawna said...

Lovely post, Ashley! I loved the "rejoice" part!!!