Monday, December 08, 2008

All Finished!

Sunday night, we performed our Christmas play, "Second Chances". It went really well and I'm so glad it's over! It was alot of fun but I'm no actress and it really gets to you quickly.

We had ran through it earlier, just the lines, and it had been smooth. After that, those of us in choir left for choir practice which, due to the play, was starting at 4:15pm. We finished choir and soon were all getting ready. Sarah, who played "Katie" had to start applying my makeup. Now, I am no expert in makeup and had never worn it until the other night. So, poor Sarah had quite a time putting my mascara on and I accidentally smeared it on my face! She covered it up with some concealer but I felt ready to burst. I was kinda stuck, I couldn't do anything for fear of smearing my makeup.

Mr. Pau came back stage and prayed with us all- which was quite an encouragement, as I wanted to do a good job for the Lord. He was very kind and listened to all the questions that came flying at him after he finished praying.

6:00 pm came quicker than we wanted it to! Soon the congregation was singing "Joy To The World" and some of us backstage joined in. Pastor seated everyone, prayed, and the play began.

The play began with a scene of a secular high school choir singing "Jingle Bells"

The main character Sawyer, Kyle (white shirt), is a christian young man who really loves the Lord and is a strong testimony to his friends. His best friend Tanner, Justin (tan shirt), is an unbeliever who laughs off religion and next to him is Katie, Sarah (turquoise blouse), who is also a strong christian. Ally, Joanna, on the end is an Atheist and can't stand religion.

They decide to go shopping with two others, Blake and Carleigh, at the mall. On the way home, Tanner and Sawyer get into a bad accident and end up in the ER. Tanner calls Katie and the others; he's ok, but Sawyer is still in there. Tanner is anxiously awaiting any news from Sawyer's relatives. The others join him and wait, but because they are not family, the nurses won't tell them anything. Tired of just sitting , they decide to take a walk outside.

Outside the hospital, they come upon a "Living Nativity". Joseph (Ryan), Mary (Me) and the Shepherd (Johnny) explain to them the gospel and answer all their questions. Tanner is feeling convicted as they head to the hospital and wondering if God is giving him a "second chance" to life.

Back inside the hospital, they learn through a news report that Sawyer has died, but that at the same minute he died, his cousin was born. The friends are heartbroken and Tanner realizes that he is missing something and he asks Katie to go with him to the chapel to have a "talk with God."

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (KJV)

John 3:16


Emily said...

I think you did really well, Ashley! You made an excellant "Mary"!

Love ya!

Sarah said...

I am glad that it went so well for you, Ashley!

Anonymous said...

sounds good. Looks like you guys had fun.