Thursday, October 30, 2008

Horseback Riding and Jenga

Howdy ya'll! Sorry, but it get's pretty busy around here! I know your probably have all moved on to other blogs by now but I'll still update! Here goes!
Recently we went horseback riding! (ok, more like a month ago!)Ryan, Daniel, Caytlin, Isaiah and I went to River Trails Riding Stables with some young men from our church, Justin Orman, Kyle and Andrew Stevens. They graciously agreed to be our guides, as we'd never been on the trail or ridden a horse before and needed an adult to go with us. We had a great time!

The whole group with the exception of Nathanael....kinda of a bad shot..but we had a good time!

Heading off...Mama asked us all to wave......I'm not sure what happened...

The trail was absolutely gorgeous! (Unfortunately I couldn't bring my camera on the trail.)The trees grew close together over our heads so that it was, at times, like a tunnel of trees. They were so many beautiful plants and flowers and we crossed the Santa Ana river twice. Other sections of the trail were more desert like and dusty! It made me feel like I was in one of those classic western movies, except for the fact that I had to wear an old, ugly helmet which, kept sliding down on my nose. If I could have had it my way....I'd would have worn my cowboy hat.....the one I don't have!

Afterwards we went to visit Oma ( daddy's mother) since we were in the area. We had lunch with her and played telephone.

Playing telephone at Hometown Buffet......we had quite an audience who watched our game with smiles and laughter, it was actually not to intimidating..Katie whispers to Natey

Joshwee and I...

Later visited our Grandpa Don's niche and his mother's grave where we sang some songs and shared a few memories.

Grandpa Don's niche.....

Granpdpa Don's, mother's grave.... the grave We drove back to Oma's and spent the rest of the evening playing a game called Jenga! It was hilarious some of the pictures we got while playing! Our goal was to remove as many blocks from the stack without it tumbling and whoever caused it to tumble. the player before them would win.

Ky (Ryan) and I at Oma's...

Jenga: Daniel taking a block....the tension is building....

Told you it was building......WARNING: this game causes anxiety and stress due to certain situations

"Don't fall"

pulling out a block

Gotta love those faces! BTW, none of these were posed....


Sarah said...

Your horseback riding adventure looks like so much fun, Ashley! What a beautiful area to ride in. Had you ridden before? It is rather enjoyable isn’t it?!

It looks like you had a special visit with your Oma! Does she live far from you? You all sure made some hilarious faces while playing Jenga! That is wonderful that you have such fun times together. :)

Beth Loewen said...

Wow... I love you blog. I'm just sorry that it has taken me this long to look at it.

Have a good day and God bless.

Ashley Sebo said...

It was SO much fun to ride! I had ridden once or twice before but it was when I wa 5. Yes it was fun and enjoyable!

Oma lives in Corona which is about 30-45 mins from home. The Horseriding place was like ten mins or so from her house so we went and visited her!