Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Making Work Fun

The weekends are usually pretty busy around our house. Dad is off work, so we try to do something as a family on Friday night and Saturday. Then, Saturday evening we are busy preparing for Sunday. Sunday usually flies by, Monday morning rolls around (much sooner than we would like) and Dad is off to work (with his two songs now) and we all file back into the house to survey the damage. It's usually not too bad as long as we have been faithful about getting the laundry done. However, there is always something to do! Doing the same tasks week after week can be less than exciting. It was neat to see how the children thought of fun ways to get the work done and play with the little ones at the same time.

Ryan and Joshua deliver laundry on a flying skateboard
Nathanael decides to offer his services (Good thing Ryan has strong muscles)

Another laundry delivery method...... this one is a little reminiscent of Bible times
Isaiah mans the mop
more laundry delivery in a flying basketAh, yes the dishes. A diligent effort must be made to keep them from piling up.
Here we see Nathanael developing his drawing skills. He, like Daniel, loves to draw.
After all the hard work it's time for a well earned nap!

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; (KJV)
Colossians 3:23

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