August to October the Lord really filled our days with lots of sweet fellowship and times of visiting!They were busy but good months of growth and encouragement for our whole family!
Going back here a bit, Melody Ana Soriano made her appearance in early July! The younger kiddos couldn't go meet Melody in the hospital so Miguel and Christina made a special visit so all of her other Sebo relatives could meet her! Evie was especially delighted to meet her!
A very happy and proud Granny Drana:)
Dad took some of the kiddos to Six Flags Magic Mountain through the ticket to reading program! If they read a certain amount of books in a certain amount of time, they received a free ticket to the theme park!In August, we celebrated Caytlin's birthday a few days early with friends at the beach!!:) We started the day with breakfast at the beach. We spent most of the day there swimming, playing volleyball, and burying people in the sand.

It's hard to believe Caytlin is already 18!!
Most of the group, minus a few!
Afterwards everyone was invited to our house for dinner, a preview of Caytlin's birthday video and desert! It was a fun but full day!!:)
Caytlin's actual birthday, Dad took the five eldest to go miniature golfing, but due to the heat we ended up just having lunch at Farrell's and some ice cream of course!
In September, we had a ballgame/picnic on Memorial Day at Murdy Park.......The Domiguez family ( friends we had made at Morning Star) drove down from Hemet to be with us that day! It was great to see them again so soon and we had fun playing softball!
Some small people playing after lunch....
Some of us had an impromptu water fight was a pretty fierce battle!;)
A few weeks later, our family, minus Dad and Ryan drove down Uncle Daniel and friends, to Tijauna Mexico for a Bible Conference with the brethren there! We had a really good encouraging time, passed out Gospel tracts, ate meals, attended meetings and sings, and enjoyed practicing the little Spanish that some of us knew. Other Christians from the states had driven down and so we had some English speaking companions too!Kelly Brockmeier and Hannah-Bella enjoying some bonding time.;)
Evie made friends fast and the language barrier didn't cause a problem!:)
Another friend Sally Gooding and Timmy:)
Out whole group for the conference-140 personas!:)
Shopping along the border. It took quite a few hours to get passed this point and so Uncle Daniel took some of us out of the cars to stretch our legs and pass out bible verse bookmarks! The young people with us were some of the Murray family (friends from WA) and three other young men. Trying on hats with Uncle Daniel!:)
Because of the wait at the border, the young people missed their flight leaving out of JWA back to WA. So they all came over to spend the night and catch another one the next morning! We were all delighted, as it had been sad to part ways, and it gave us some more time to visit before they left!:) Of course no one likes to miss a flight, but it couldn't be helped..
Later that month, Aunt Drana took us ladies and Grandma out for Mom's birthday to lunch! We went to the Cheesecake Factory.:) Lots of smiles:)
Visiting with cousins...;)
Hannah turned a year old in October! How fast time has flown! We sure love our little Hannahbelissma!
Evie loves her little sister....:)
Enjoying her first cake!:)
The Saturday after Hannah's birthday, we successfully pulled off a surprise 1st Birthday party/Shower for Hannah and Mommy!:) We had been planning over the last few months, sneaking things in and out of the house and working hard to make sure Mom didn't know or suspect. The night before we ended up mixing some of the cheesecakes in the garage, because our dear mother decided to stay up later than usual....;) The Lord worked everything out beautifully and we had almost 50 people for the special party!
Despite all our noise the night before and the morning of, we succeeded in completely surprising Mom with her shower!
After the party we young people enjoyed jumping on the trampoline together! Too many Sebos and Dominguez on a trampoline??:)
Good times with friends!
This day was a normal grocery shopping day and the guys were helping me with food production. This is the beauty of homeschooling-not just book learning but hands-on experience is the order of the day!
A visit from cousins during the week is always a fun surprise! Here Daniel was coaching Matthew on tree climbing.;)
Rachel and Evie....:)
Auntie Lola was in town for a few days and invited Caytlin and I to come have lunch with her and GG (Great Grandma)! We had a nice time.:)
Pumkin cake and coffee with Auntie Lola:)
Towards the end of October the Lord put it on Dad and Mom's heart to visit the Fullerton Meeting Room. This was the group Mom had been saved with, years ago. She had brought Dad to a gospel meeting while dating where he first heard the Gospel. Dad and Mom began their married lives with these people and now we have come full circle back again.
We so appreciate the older and wiser brothers and sisters. We have so much to learn from them.
At the end of October our family was again invited to a Sunday School Picnic for the Shadow Hills Meeting Room. We had a wonderful time and below are some highlights that Caytlin captured!
What a blessing to know that there are Christian brothers and sisters all over this great big country of ours. We are so thankful to be in God's family!!
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:19-20