In April our family was able to go to Oak Glen again, and a friend of Mom's joined us with her children and nephew for the weekend! We had a great time with them and enjoyed visiting with old acquaintances and meeting new ones!
Driving up we went through the drive through at Del Taco! There's nothing quite like sitting in a van packed to the brim and sharing a few fiesta packs with the siblings!;)
We stopped at a candy store a few miles away from the campground and bought some yummy treats!
After that, we headed over to the Los Rios Rancho Apple Orchard, and shared a gallon of fresh cider and a pie!;) While we were eating the Delang's arrived!
After everyone met, we discovered we had gotten the wrong check-in time for the campground, so we headed over to the nature trails to get some energy out of the little ones, and pass the time.:)
Isaiah on "baby-duty" here.....once we got settled in, the little ones were very eager to play on the "merry-go-round!"
The sessions were really good and it was neat to see how everything tied together even through each speaker had prepared something apart from the others'.;) We were also very excited to have over a hundred people with us for the weekend!
Craig and Beth Ewalt, taught the children's meetings again this year, and we enjoyed getting to know them better.
Mealtimes were similar to musical chairs, no one sat in the same place twice or with the same people!:) This gave us a better opportunity to get to know the first-timers as well as the old!

Friday night, we enjoyed the talent show, and this year, we had a lot of fun variations, including a violin/harmonica/piano duet!;)
Josh and Natey are following in Daniel's steps with ventriloquism! They sang a duet, and Natey did a really good impression of the camp director Jerome, which everyone said was the highlight of the evening!
Daniel and Caytlin sang a duet that they did last year at church for Resurrection Sunday, as it was Good Friday.
We always get lots of exercise walking up and down those hills.......
Mr. Osborn asked me to ply the piano for the services this year, so Mrs. Ewalt kindly agreed to fill in for me if a song was picked that I wasn't familiar with.
Uncle Joe leading the singing...
Evie really enjoyed seeing Hunter (the camp director's dog) again!
And of course, the gym was full of activity throughout the weekend.;) British Bulldog is a game that everyone looks forward to, in particular, because Mr. Osborn dons his sports gear and leads it!
Having lunch.....the young man talking to Dad is Mrs. Delang's nephew, Gabriel, and the guys enjoyed meeting him and bunking with him for the weekend.:) The lady beside Ryan is Mom's friend Kristie, and seated next two here are her two daughters, Allsion and Audrey. The other young lady across from Dad was enjoying her first time at Oak Glen.
Satruday afternoon was the ladies meeting. We discussed spiritual gifts and how the Lord would have us use them.
Before the last meeting, there was a piƱata in the gym for the kids! They have enjoyed this the last two years, in place of the Pinewood Derby Race.
Mom and Mrs. Delang grabbing a picture before heading home, .:) It was really neat to watch Mom encourage her friend and hear stories from when they were young, during the weekend.:)
Caytlin also enjoyed visiting again with Allison, who is around her age, as they hadn't seen one another since Mom's surprise party last year!
Trying out Jerome before leaving!:D Gabrel kept us entertained as we packed!
On the way home, we met up with Opa for dinner at a nearby Chinese Restaurant!
We enjoyed vising with him, but it had to be a short one sadly, as we needed to get the little ones home and get ready for the Resurrection Service at church the following day!
Saying goodbye!:) Evie sure loves her Opa!
The following Sunday was our church's Resurrection Program....
The service closed with the choir singing excerpts from the Hallelujah Chorus!:) A piece we had been working on for some time..:)
After the service we took a few pictures....Left to right: Ryan, Micah Talbert, Philip Smith, Isaiah and Daniel.:)
Micah and Amy matched that Sunday and they didn't even plan it!:D
Most of the young ladies- Ashlee Fox, Amy Fox, Hannah Socolofsky, Ashley (me), and Susanna Smith.
We are going on two years now and grateful for how the Lord has grown our family since we've been at this fellowship. Praise God for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and through that we have salvation
Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up—if in fact the dead do not rise. For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.
1 Corinthians 15:12-20