Uncle Victor and Emily...
We enjoyed visiting with Uncle Victor and his family again! (It's amazing how fast the little one's have grown!) We were thankful to be able to spend time them and had a great evening.:)
The below set of pictures are from another day and were to cute to pass up!:)
I don't think it's a secret that our boys love to dress up and pretend to be cowboys. So, as usual the younger ones catch on and copy their older brother's example. The result is below:
no violence for this cowboy.........just a ball
Now to jump ahead to Labor day. This year we attended our church's game and barbeque at Murdy Park, once again. Only a few of our family members played softball this year.
(Besides Mrs. Munteanu and Lois, they were the only girls playing:)
Markie hits the ball

It was an adventure trying to get good shots of the batters without the fence.....

"Run, Katie!"
First base....
resting in the dug-out 

Yes, Natey played barefoot.:) 
After the game we ate lunch which was cooked by a few of the older men at our church. It was delicious!
Manning the grill
This picture was too cute to pass up!:)
a board game
We usually spend the rest of the afternoon playing different games like frisbee, volleyball and basketball or relaxing and talking. I did not get any pictures while playing frisbee but, Daddy wanted to use my camera to get a few shots of the vollyball game going on.

the game....
Toward the end of the day, the Pau family hosted a get together at their house with snacks, games and cheesecake. So, we spent the rest of the evening at their home playing "Catch-Phrase" and "4 On A Couch." We had a great time and the latter game provided alot of excitment and laughs for the evening.:) Thank you to the Pau family for such a special evening!
Therefore, wether you eat or drink, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthinas 10:31