Also we got a pool! It's 12ft. across and 3ft., 3in. deep. It's been awhile since we had a pool and we are really enjoying swimming whenver we can. The only days we are not allowed to swim are Sundays and Wednesdays, otherwise, we are pretty much in it the rest of the week!:) We are grateful to the Lord for providing this fun activity for the family!:)

Setting up the pool....
Daddy setting up the filter while I smooth out the wrinkles of the pool floor
While most of us spend the afternoons swimming, Timmy and Josh prefer army men and Kefir.
As I had previously mentioned, we finally finished painting the livingroom, hall and kitchen. This project also involved scrubbing base boards, wiping down walls and moving furniture all towards the center of the rooms. We kept the rooms the same color just added a fresh coat of paint and touch-up. It was alot of fun but, I'm glad to have it done! It looks alot better now, even if it's not perfect.
The Lord continues to provide, showing Himself strong on our behalf and giving us His best!:) His timing and provision are always perfect! Praise the Lord!
Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.
Acts 14:17