True to the title of this post, it's just another glimpse into the life of the
Sebo Family!:) I had so much to post about that I had to come up with a title that fit!:)
Last month, my family celebrated my 17th birthday. Daddy bought some stuff to make sandwiches and root beer floats(with homemade root beer he had made while I was gone learning how to sew at some friends house.:) Aunt Adrianna, Christina, Grandma, Aunt Rocio and little Sofia came to visit!!:) It was so fun to see our new little cousin again, and Aunt Adrianna brought a cake, cookies and ice cream. It was really special just to spend the day at home with family.
To jump ahead...Thursday, Daddy presented me with a wonderful belated birthday present!!:) I am now the VERY happy owner of a Canon EOS Canon 7D!!!:) I am so grateful to Daddy and I am thankful to the Lord for His blessings!! I hope that this camera will be a tool with which I can glorify the Lord first and foremost!!:)
I had a perfect opportunity to try my new camera out on Friday. (Ryan and I usually spend the day at church. While I babysit for one of the mothers attending the ladies Bible study, Ryan watches a theology video or does some dusting. Afterwards. we eat lunch together, maybe play a game or two and then start cleaning/dusting and organizing things around church. When we are done cleaning we just spend time talking, sometimes just the two of us, or with Pastor Steve and his son Justin, if they are not too busy. We attend Greek and Theology in the evening.)
I just had to post some photos of the two little ones I get to babysit. They're such cuties and I think you'll agree!!:)



And of course, after we were done cleaning, I just had to grab a few portraits to test the camera and all it's features!:) I'm really enjoying it!:)

I thought Ryan looked alot like Daddy here.

Justin, in the office.

Pastor Steve(This picture was too good to pass up!)

Jonathan and Jonathan studying for Greek Class. (Something I need to do..)

Getting ready for the class....

a game of ping-pong while waiting for dinner

Ryan and Jonathan discussing games:)
Saturday was another lovely day of rain! Praise the Lord for His goodness in sending us rain!!:) We have enjoyed it very much!:)

Timothy, hanging out in the chair.
Katie and Isaiah:)
Daddy bought a projecter and we have enjoyed watching a few movies on the wall:) This particular time we were watching "Amazing Grace."
Sunday, I couldn't wait to take pictures with my new camera. Daddy took some during orchestra. That went fairly well though, my jaw did hurt a little after not playing for two weeks, due to having my wisdom teeth removed.:)
Sarah showed me how to use some of the features on the camera and we spent a good amount of time discussing our cameras, as she has the Canon EOS 50D.
discussing hymns
Orchestra practice
After orchestra, Ryan and I went to Carmel Village, a retirement place that the young men preach at twice a month. When we came back, I took some pictures of the string quartet practicing.
Rachel and Janice
the very organized pile of music:)
Cristin and Emily

the guys talking
Once the practicing is done, the talking starts:)

Having fun
I hope to post many more pictures in the future as most of these are from Sunday and Friday but, I wanted to post something!!:) May the Lord bless you as you start another week! Have a wonderful evening!:)
"I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me. Riches and honor are with me, Enduring riches and righteousness."
Proverbs 8:17-18