Time really does fly by! It's amazing to see how fast this year has gone! 2010 is just around the corner and I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for our family this next year!!
This year, our family didn't do as much for Christmas as usual, but it was still a very special day! Or should I say set of days:)
Wednesday, Opa came out to visit us and stayed till Thursday evening! Mama and I spent the majority of the day, preparing the "Christmas Dinner" which was alot of work, consisting of a turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, carrots, rolls and chocolate chip cookies! It was very tiring, but well enjoyed and worth all the preparation.
This year, our family didn't do as much for Christmas as usual, but it was still a very special day! Or should I say set of days:)
Wednesday, Opa came out to visit us and stayed till Thursday evening! Mama and I spent the majority of the day, preparing the "Christmas Dinner" which was alot of work, consisting of a turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, carrots, rolls and chocolate chip cookies! It was very tiring, but well enjoyed and worth all the preparation.
After everyone had helped themselves to seconds, and we cleaned up. Daddy asked Katie and I to teach Dutch Blitz to Opa, who had never heard of or played it. We had a fun time playing against Daddy and Opa, who made quite a good team and caught on very quickly! Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures.
In the morning, we opened our stockings, which Daddy always fills for us.(the flag is a random decoration put up by one of the children:)
Yes, this is what we look like in the morning:)
Mama got a new curling iron.
Ryan got some needed supplies
Sidewalk Chalk!
Katie had been asking for a purse for sometime...
plenty of candy to get sick on:)
Natey digging into his:)
"Thank you, Daddy!!"
Once the stockings were emptied and everyone was finished thanking Daddy, we sang some Christmas carols. Opa joined us for breakfast, which was scrambled eggs with turkey, sliced apples and oranges.(No suitable pictures due to the fact that the majority of us are still in pajamas, I thought I'd save us all the embarrassment!:)However, I just had to post the two below!)
Timmy's breakfast hat:)
His own idea:)
Later in the afternoon, Danny decided to try out his new chalk set. The little ones were all very interested and tried to help him when they could.:)
Danny is also learning to give the Gospel with playing cards
some playing cards...
For dinner Opa bought us pizza from Sam's Club!( Thank you, Opa!)He and Daddy went to pick it up so we could eat at home.
Natey, decorating our little Christmas tree.
Eating dinner outside
Listening to Opa's stories about his childhood
Opa and his "Little Flock":)
the gentlemen
Daddy and Opa
Aunt Adriana stopped by on Christmas Eve to deliver some presents! We were surprised and delighted to see her! We always really appreciate her gifts as they are always very practical!!
Bubbles for Timmy:)
"What is it?"
Markers and drawing pad for Natey and Joshwee:)
Isaiah, thrilled with his new army tank and men:)
Sidewalk chalk for Katie
(This picture requires an explanation: Ryan started to unwrap his present and began to laugh really hard.......)

Just what he wanted.....a shaving kit:)
What a special Christmas we had! We really enjoyed going to the Christmas Day service at church and having fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ there. We spent a quiet day at home and watched "Sergeant York." Mama and I also had a "Fudge Grudge." (Mama tried to make fudge the day before but, it did not turn out right. So Daddy, had a grudge:), because he wanted some "fudge" and so we figured between the two of us, one of us had to get it right!!) It was fun and provided plenty of time to talk! The Lord was gracious and allowed them both to turn out well!:)
Sometimes, it seems like the year has passed by and you haven't done a whole lot, but then when your Daddy asks you to put a slideshow together of the year in review....you realize it's been a year of the Lord's rich blessings!!
"Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God..." 1 John 3:1
"The blessing of the LORD it makes one rich and he adds no sorrow with it." Proverbs 10:22