Sunday morning, we all hurried to leave. We had two very important reasons for wanting to get to church on time! The First was, Sunday School, in which our family is studying the book of James with our church. Second, Daniel was going to meet with Pastor Steve, who would decide if he, was a qualified candidate for baptism.
The night before, we had been up late preparing for church. Katie had helped me somewhat, with making the batter for muffins in the morning. I then went to face the big pile of ironing that smiled at me. Mama and the little ones retired and soon I was in bed as well.
In the morning, Daniel set aside some extra clothes for the baptism, and Mama hurried him to the shower. Having only one shower, and nine people in line, always makes it a busy place. (I can almost imagine the shower's relief when we are all done!) Those who had already showered were seated and eating muffins at the table, while gulping down orange juice. Mama, ever faithful, made sure that the shower was never empty, and if it was, it was only for a few minutes. Glancing at the clock, She reminded us that it was 8:30, and we needed to hurry. No more talking now! Orange Juice and Muffins soon made their way down multiple stomachs. Grabbing, purses, Bibles, folders, and other needed objects, the van was soon loaded.
Daniel, excited and somewhat nervous jumped in the van. He began a discussion with his brother Ryan, in which both gentlemen were soon deeply engaged. Daddy and Mama were the last passengers to strap in, and with that we were off! Multiple conversations, filled the van and at last we were tumbling out of it, and heading for the sanctuary for Sunday School, with the clock, kindly reminding us we were late. Our family promptly found a pew, and seated ourselves.
After Sunday School, Daniel and a few others who were to be baptized, directly following the sermon, met with the Pastor for a few last minute details. Things were going smoothly, until Mama realized that we had forgotten Daniel's extra clothes, which were still hanging in the doorway of the laundry room at home!!! Mama to the rescue! She jumped into the van and zoomed off to get the forgotten but, much needed clothes!
Meanwhile, I was fussing. Having made sure to bring my camera, with batteries fully charged and a fresh memory card, I had forgotten to get it out of the van before Mama left. Occasionally during the service, I would check to see if Mama had arrived yet, with my camera.(I was sitting in the very back pew, close to the door.) Time ticked on and the service was very good, but I really wanted to take pictures of Danny's baptism. Our row had been filled by the time I came, from orchestra, and I was forced to sit in the back, all the meanwhile, worried.
As in all cases, things always work out! Just as it says in Romans 8:28....
The sermon ended, two hymns were sung, and the baptism began.
As Daniel stepped down into the water, he remembered the warning Pastor had given him of it being cold. Standing beside the Pastor, tall and excited, Daniel waited, and Pastor began.

Pastor: "Daniel, have you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior?"
Daniel:(Loud and firm)"Yes."
Pastor:" And is it your desire to live for Him all your days?"
Daniel: "Yes it is."
Pastor: "Amen. Daniel, based upon your confession of faith I now baptize you in the name of the Father, of The Son, and of the Holy Ghost. "
Applause filled the sanctuary, as Daniel climbed the steps, out of the water into the men's baptismal. I, thankfully did not cry, but my hands were soon red from clapping and I was very excited for my brother! The Lord, as always, worked everything out. Mama got the clothes to Danny just in time, and Daddy, who had the camera, during the service, was able to get some good shots. Praise the Lord!
It was an exciting morning, with exciting results! We serve an amazing God, who can work out even the tiniest, smallest, details in His best timing!!
Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. (KJV)
Romans 6:4