Michael John Sebo
Born: May 23, 1968
Born: May 23, 1968

41 Things about Daddy:
1 Favorite Food: "Lemper", Dutch, chicken rolled into sweet rice with coconut milk
2 Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper
3 Favorite Vegetable: Zuchini
4 Favorite Fruit: pear
5 Favorite Dessert: Starbuck's Frappichino, Caramel
6 Favorite Snack: Beef Jerky
7 Favorite Color: Teal-Green
8 Favorite Hymn: "Praise The Savior"
9 Favorite Book of the Bible: John
10 Favorite chapter: Psalm 1
11 Favorite Book( besides the Bible): "Character Sketches"
12 Favorite place I've visited: Canada
13 Favorite Past-time: just being with my kids....
14 Favorite Animal: Koala Bear
15 Favorite Time of Year: Winter-Christmas
16 Favorite Soundtrack: Handel's Water Suite
17 Favorite Outfit: Jeans and a polo
18 Favorite Shoes: Black Slip-ons
19 Favorite Great Preacher: John Bunyan
20 Favorite Missionary: Otto Konning
21 Favorite Memory: Holding my babies for the first time.....
22 Favorite Flower: Red Rose
23 Favorite Restaurant: "Dennys"
24 Favorite Experience: Getting Married
25 Favorite Pet (past or present): "Shanna"- my dog from childhood, a Sheltie
26 Favorite Electronic Device: "Web-book"
27 Favorite Instrument: piano
28 Favorite Amusement Park: Disneyland
29 Favorite Sport: Volleyball or Tennis
30 Favorite Boardgame: " Trivial Pursuit"
21 Favorite Cardgame: "Uno"
22 Favorite Food to Make: Mashed Potatoes
23 Favorite Material: Cotton
24 Favorite Job (past or present): My present job: Tech Writer for Panasonic
25 Favorite Tree: Weeping Willow
26 Favorite Outdoor Activity: Shooting
27 Favorite Gun: Winchester 94 (30-30)
28 Favorite Atmosphere to live in: Small Towns
29 Favorite Camping site(past or present): "Morro Bay"
30 One Thing You Would Like to Acheive This Year? Buy a bigger house for my family.......
31 Favorite Car Owned: 1997 Toyota Rav4
32 Favorite Number: 5
10 Favorite chapter: Psalm 1
11 Favorite Book( besides the Bible): "Character Sketches"
12 Favorite place I've visited: Canada
13 Favorite Past-time: just being with my kids....
14 Favorite Animal: Koala Bear
15 Favorite Time of Year: Winter-Christmas
16 Favorite Soundtrack: Handel's Water Suite
17 Favorite Outfit: Jeans and a polo
18 Favorite Shoes: Black Slip-ons
19 Favorite Great Preacher: John Bunyan
20 Favorite Missionary: Otto Konning
21 Favorite Memory: Holding my babies for the first time.....
22 Favorite Flower: Red Rose
23 Favorite Restaurant: "Dennys"
24 Favorite Experience: Getting Married
25 Favorite Pet (past or present): "Shanna"- my dog from childhood, a Sheltie
26 Favorite Electronic Device: "Web-book"
27 Favorite Instrument: piano
28 Favorite Amusement Park: Disneyland
29 Favorite Sport: Volleyball or Tennis
30 Favorite Boardgame: " Trivial Pursuit"
21 Favorite Cardgame: "Uno"
22 Favorite Food to Make: Mashed Potatoes
23 Favorite Material: Cotton
24 Favorite Job (past or present): My present job: Tech Writer for Panasonic
25 Favorite Tree: Weeping Willow
26 Favorite Outdoor Activity: Shooting
27 Favorite Gun: Winchester 94 (30-30)
28 Favorite Atmosphere to live in: Small Towns
29 Favorite Camping site(past or present): "Morro Bay"
30 One Thing You Would Like to Acheive This Year? Buy a bigger house for my family.......
31 Favorite Car Owned: 1997 Toyota Rav4
32 Favorite Number: 5
33 Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Pecan Praline
34 Favorite Department Store: Wal-Mart
35 Favorite Suit: Black Double-Breasted
36 Favorite CDs: Beside Still Waters, Smokey Mountain Hymns, and Hear my Prayer.
37 Favorite Annual Family Trip: ATI Conference in Sacramento
38 Favorite Handgun Owned: Walther P22
39 Favorite Kind of Weather: Sunny Day- 75 degrees with cool breezes and fluffy clouds.
40 Favorite Ministry to Others: Puppets!
41 Favorite Nickname Given: "Weetie" (as called by his wife!- short for sweetie)
Moments With Daddy

And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.....
Malachi 4:6