What a busy week this last week was!!! We helped with the Basic Seminar at church, which was alot of fun! The Weston's, a family at our church, were in charge and they gladly accepted our help! Daddy ran the Basic, Mama did childcare, Ryan helped keep the book table, and I did registration with Emily and Mrs. Weston!
Daddy preparing for the Basic....
Emily and I at registration.....
Monday night went well. Although, we did not have as big a turnout as expected! We had about 12-13 people register. Emily and I decided to go in and attend the first session, as there was not much registration to do. Mrs. Weston, faithfully stayed after us, so as not to miss any late comers. After the sessions were done for the night our families closed up the church and left, tired and a bit discouraged at the turn out.
Tuesday night came quickly! We arrived at the church at 4:30pm and Mama dropped Ryan and I off at church.
Awhile ago, Emily had asked me to take her senior pictures and so we had decided to do it Tuesday night. I was pretty nervous as I had never taken senior portraits before, but Emily prayed with me and the Lord really helped me! (Emily made it so easy!! Thank you, Emmy!!! ) Here are a few of my personal favorites:

Afterwards, Emily, very generously and kindly, took me out for Starbucks! I was absolutely thrilled!!! She bought me a delicious
frappchino and we had a lovely time outside by the fountain!! We had to hurry back to church to help set up, but those few minutes were wonderful! Thank you, Emily!

An artistic picture for "Starbucks lovers."
(If your one, let us know with a comment......even if you don't usually leave one!)

I think my face tells it all....

Friends by a fountain....
Wednesday night went well, we attended the Basic sessions and were joined by Rachel and her brother for the evening! It was strange not to have the SWORD program going on, but the session was good, and we needed to hear it again!
Thursday, was a busy day! We had the privilege of visiting Daddy's work, Panasonic. They took us on a tour, showed us the different systems and explained how their company worked. It was neat to see what Daddy did everyday, why he did it and what it would be like to work there. Here are a few highlights of the day......

Daddy works with a family friend, Uncle Frank, here we got a picture with him.

Ryan and Katie testing the systems.....

Daniel and his buddy, Mr. Herman, who kindly led the tour....

The two little girls on either side of me are the daughters of one of Daddy's Christian co-workers, Melissa and Eli( it's pronounced "
Elee") Here we are testing out
systems. We had great fun together!


Ryan, watching...... you can see me in the back, trying to help Melissa with the audio on her system.
After we were done at Daddy's work we went to church for the Basic, it was a little busier as it was "Visitor Night."
Friday- Saturday we went to the Anger Resolution Seminar for the first time, which was all day. Again, Emily and I did registration. We were in for a surprise! We had about 30 people register for the Anger and ended up moving it into the sanctuary, beacause we did not fit in the Fireside room. I really learned alot and it was neat to hear the past experiences of others who had conquered Anger through the power of spoken blessings!
I did not take alot of pictures this last week, due to the fact that my camera had to be sent in for repair and Daddy has kindly lent his little Panasonic camera till it returns, but here is a group shot of the ladies who attended the Anger Resolution Seminar.
Lois and Ruthie joined us Friday night.....
I was very grateful for this past week! The Lord really worked in me and showed me plenty of areas I needed work in! It was a blessing to be able to talk and share with other fellow believers and to be refreshed in the Lord! We also had a few games of "Ultimate Frisbee", which caused our 20 minute breaks to fly by!!! Overall it was a great week!
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. (KJV)
1 Corinthians 13:14