The whole group with the exception of Nathanael....kinda of a bad shot..but we had a good time!

The trail was absolutely gorgeous! (Unfortunately I couldn't bring my camera on the trail.)The trees grew close together over our heads so that it was, at times, like a tunnel of trees. They were so many beautiful plants and flowers and we crossed the Santa Ana river twice. Other sections of the trail were more desert like and dusty! It made me feel like I was in one of those classic western movies, except for the fact that I had to wear an old, ugly helmet which, kept sliding down on my nose. If I could have had it my way....I'd would have worn my cowboy hat.....the one I don't have!
Afterwards we went to visit Oma ( daddy's mother) since we were in the area. We had lunch with her and played telephone.

Joshwee and I...
Later visited our Grandpa Don's niche and his mother's grave where we sang some songs and shared a few memories. the grave We drove back to Oma's and spent the rest of the evening playing a game called Jenga! It was hilarious some of the pictures we got while playing! Our goal was to remove as many blocks from the stack without it tumbling and whoever caused it to tumble. the player before them would win.

Told you it was building......WARNING: this game causes anxiety and stress due to certain situations

"Don't fall"

pulling out a block
Gotta love those faces! BTW, none of these were posed....