Michael John Sebo
Age: Big 40
Born: May 23, 1968
Dad is the ultimate "Handy Man" around our house. He is always ready to fix something! Whether it's building a fence or helping us with the computer, he's happy to help! Dad has a wonderful sense of humour which is always somewhere nearby!
He a fun loving kinda guy who can always get along with whoever is around. He is altogether a wonderful joker and his smile is almost always present!
Special Nicknames:
Mom: "Weetie"
Ashley: "Hadad", I came up with one day while calling my dad, I said " Hey, dad, can you come here?" I remembered a man in the Bible named Hadad and it kinda stuck after that!
Ryan: Dad, the regular everyday name......
Daniel: "Big Dad" as Danny says" Dad is big and I'm little!"
Caytlin: "My Matching Dad" (she's the only one of us who has Daddy's skin color)
Isaiah: "Daddy-wee"
Nathanael: "Daddy" *enthusiastic*
Joshua: "Daty"
Hobbies and Interests:
-golf putting
-fixing things
-shooting guns
-RC cars and Planes
-watching movies/ listening to music
-computer games
-bike riding
Dad is the reason I am here posting. This post would not be here without Dad. It is because he made one of the wisest decisions ever 15 years ago- He married my mom, and had us kids. Although some may think he is not successful, I consider my dad VERY successful. Why? Because he understands that there is more to life than just "Being rich". Some might say dad was wrong to have us kids; he could have had more money, more cars etc. But dad's treasure is the best, because he can take it with him to heaven! Where rust, moths and theives are never known! I will always admire my daddy for this! Happy Birthday Daddy! Thank you for fixing your eyes on "things above, not below!"