This little boy has had many adventures. Some which will be written for you to read and others are yet to come. Perhaps one day you will be part of one .......we shall see.
He was having good day, mum was teaching the older kids while he roamed around free. Free! It was so nice not to be cooped up in his horrible playpen or monstrous crib. Well not monstrous, but certainly annoying when one is full of energy and wants to explore the world. So off he toddled down the hallway the small pit pat of his feet could be heard. He was determined to use up some of that energy!
Halfway down the hall he stopped and turned around to see his big sister Ashley coming. He smiled and quickly turned back to his mission. Slowing his pace he saw something. What was it? He did not know, but one thing for sure, he knew was he was going to find out. He broke into a run and after arriving next to the strange object he bent over to examine it. Reaching out to grab it he was surprised to see it disappear! For a minute he stared then tried again. It disappeared again! After several times of failing he was a bit frustrated, but he was not about ready to give up! Again he tried and again but every time it disappeared when he tried to grasp it! Now what should he do???? He thought for awhile and then began to shout at it! "Go! Go!" When that didn't work he stamped his foot and shaking his finger at it yelled "Stop! Stop!" Nothing happened. He was quite confused and worried. Big sister Ashley approached him laughing and said " Joshua look." With that she closed the door and the strange thing disappeared. He was stunned! When Ashley opened the door again he had to look twice! There it was again! Now he knew it had something to do with the door and that he could not pick it up so with that he toddled off back to his mission. Later he heard Ashley saying something about "a light beam.......... and Joshua.......It was so funny.....he didn't know what it was.......tried to pick it up" He wondered and smiled at his sister who had come out of the room. Afraid she would put him in his "Prison" (the crib) he scampered off quickly. No one was going to get the best of him, No Sir...............except for maybe a light beam.